Friday, December 30, 2022

7 Easy Steps to Setup and program a Ledger Smartcontract using Python Language

Posted by How To Resources on Friday, December 30, 2022

From the analysis performed by Precedence Research, the blockchain technology market size is expected to reach USD 69.7 Billion by 2025 and USD 1593.8 Billion by 2030. Demand of the blockchain developers are increasing day by day. 

Growth Analysis of Blockchain Market:

Ledger - Growth Analysis of Blockchain Market

Image Source: Precedence Research

People coming from any Industry be it Electronics, Software, Medical, Mechanical… “You need to keep learning to stay up to date in the current market”. Being a software engineer, new programming languages or tools change very frequently, but today we are not going to learn any new programming language considering that you are aware of Python programming.


This post will explain the steps of deploying smart contracts using Python and make you understand on how to do it independently and concisely. Before we dig into the article, we need to understand few things explained below:


        - Python pre-requisites to deploy ledger Smartcontract 

        - About the libraries installation

        - Details of the Platform for performing blockchain operations

Python pre-requisites to deploy ledger Smartcontract:

About the libraries Installation:


Run the following commands to install:

  •  $ pip install web3
  • Solcx:       $ pip install py-solc-x
  • Eth_Utils:  $ pip install eth-utils==1.1.2
  • Dotenv:     $ pip install python-dotenv


Note: When installing you might find issues related to library version. If you observe, try with below to resolve:

$ pip install web3==4.1.9

$ pip install eth-utils==1.10.0


Details of the Platform for performing blockchain operations:


No need to worry if you do not have prior experience or knowledge on Solidity, I have an article on this and it a “16 Step Guide to Setup and program a Ledger Smartcontract using Solidity” will help you understand step by step, till then you can use the sample file “SimpleStorage.sol” – Download


We will be using “Gananche” tool to perform blockchain operations locally before deploying. This tool is used to test blockchain transactions, inspect changes etc.. (Tool has both CLI and GUI)



7 Steps to Setup and program Smartcontract:


STEP – 1: Importing Libraries


from eth_utils import address

from web3 import Web3

import os

from solc import compile_standard, install_solc

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import json


STEP – 2: Reading the .SOL file using python


with open("./SimpleStorage.sol", "r") as file:

    simple_storage_file =


STEP – 3: Compiling the Smartcontract


For this Step we use “py_solc_x” library to use standard compile function. This is used to break the code into Assembly Language, which is much closer to Machine Language for execution.


Before going into code, we need to understand 4 parameters used to compile Smartcontracts:


lauguage: Solidaty language to understand the details of the Smartcontract


sources: Smartcontract file, content and variables used to store information of Smartcontract


outputSelection: To get information related to ABI, Metadata, Bytecode and its sourcemap.


solc_version: This is the version used in the Smartcontract code


Once we understand the above information, Open the file and save it into JSON formatted file:


compiled_sol = compile_standard(


        "language": "Solidity",

        "sources": {"SimpleStorage.sol": {"content": simple_storage_file}},

        "settings": {

            "outputSelection": {

                "*": {

                    "*": ["abi", "metadata", "evm.bytecode", "evm.bytecode.sourceMap"]








with open("compiled_code.json", "w") as file:

    json.dump(compiled_sol, file)



STEP – 4: Extraction (ABI & Bytecode from Solidity Smartcontract)


Bytecode contains the information for code execution. It includes the key commands in assembly language that are executed at low-level or machine-level instead of the whole smart contract. In other words, this is the code that is executed by Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and which governs the working of the smart contract file.


Below code is in JSON format, this is from the compiled contract file


# get bytecode

bytecode = compiled_sol["contracts"]["SimpleStorage.sol"]["SimpleStorage"]["evm"][




Besides, ABI is “Application Binary Interface” this is also an important piece of information for a Smartcontract.


ABI in Smartcontract is responsible for interaction between methods and structures, it is similar to Application Programming Interface (API). In the above compiled JSON object if you print the data, you will find ABI with Smartcontract file inputs, names, rdata types and outputs etc..


# get abi

abi = json.loads(



STEP – 5: Local Ethereum Blockchain connection using Ganache


Install Ganache tool, use Quick Start and get the information from the tool.

Ledger Ganache - Transaction

w3 = Web3(



chain_id = 1337

my_address = "0x23959D4e00640f2D152dA3F96474504e63Aa6d2D"

# private_key = os.getenv("PRIVATE_KEY")

private_key = "0x4d08735ff981fa51e9c56c79c99d121c9f66754c27926ca5014fdaa2d71e904f"


Few things to consider here:

  • Add a 0x before pasting the private key from Ganache.
  • It is good practice not to leave your private key in the code. Instead, create a new file–.env. In this file, write “PRIVATE_KEY=0x,” and after 0x, paste in the private key.
  • To find out the Chain IDs of different blockchains, head here.


STEP – 6: Performing Smartcontract Transaction using Python 


This is the part where you need to keeps your eyes wide open and do not get disturbed. 


initialize the smart contract in Python by setting parameters for ABI and Bytecode


# initialize contract

SimpleStorage = w3.eth.contract(abi=abi, bytecode=bytecode)


Next it is important to know about Nonce - it’s an arbitrary number that can be used once in blockchain communication. Nonce tracks the number of transactions with help of function – “getTransactionCount” on the addressed used.


nonce = w3.eth.getTransactionCount(my_address)


Few things to consider here:

After creating Smartcontract in Python, there are 3 more things to do – 

Ø  Build the transaction

Ø  Sign the transaction

Ø  Send the transaction


Build the Ledger Transaction: has information we passed related to chainid, address of sender, and a nonce. Pass this information as variables so we can use it when required


tx = SimpleStorage.constructor().buildTransaction(


        "chainId": chain_id,

        "gasPrice": w3.eth.gas_price,

        "from": my_address,

        "nonce": nonce,




Sign the Ledger Transaction:


To sign the transaction we need to use the private key of the address of the sender, hence it is advised to store the private key separately instead of using directly in the code. Here we use the transaction build and private key as show below:


signed_tx = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(tx, private_key=private_key)


Send the Ledger Transaction:


This step uses the send_raw_transaction function with signed transaction parameter as shown below:


tx_hash = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)

tx_receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)

print(f"Contract deployed to Infura at address {tx_receipt.contractAddress}")


Ledger - Ganache - Transaction 2

STEP – 7: Deploying Smartcontract using Python


We have arrived to last step which we are waiting from the starting of this article, but all the above steps are mandatory to get to this point.


To work with or interact with smart contracts in Python, you need ABI and address. 

Ledger Ganache transaction created

There are 2 ways to interact with blockchains – call and transact


Call: The functions in smart contracts that don’t make state changes or the view functions.


Transact: The function in smart contracts that do make state changes.

Ledger Pycharm code execution

To make a state change, you must:

  1. First build a transaction,
  2. Then sign the transaction
  3. Then send the transaction
  4. Once the store function has been “transacted,” 

call the retrieve function to fetch the value, function is used in below code to work with deployed contracts


simple_storage = w3.eth.contract(address=tx_receipt.contractAddress, abi=abi)

print(f"Initial stored value at Retrieve {simple_storage.functions.retrieve().call()}")

new_transaction =


        "chainId": chain_id,

        "gasPrice": w3.eth.gasPrice,

        "from": my_address,

        "nonce": nonce + 1,



signed_new_txn = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(

    new_transaction, private_key=private_key


tx_new_hash = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_new_txn.rawTransaction)

print("Sending new transaction...")

tx_new_receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_new_hash)


print(f"New stored value at Retrieve {simple_storage.functions.retrieve().call()}") 

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